Courses we offer


Day Concept Section
1 Basic Introduction to Electronics & Basic Electronic Principles (Current/Voltage/Resistance)
1.Introduction to Multi-meter
What is closed loop& open loop circuit
2 Transistors
  • NPN
  • PNP
  • 3 DPDT switch
    Light Dependent Resistor
    4 Orientation Test 1
    Construction of Simple move forward and backward movement using mechanical wheel
    5 Street light controller with battery
    Discuss with Robotics book
    6 Explain about Robots
    Ideas to Construct other Robots: Gas Detection Robot, Fire Detection Robot etc.,
    7 Ideas to Construct other Robots: Bomb Detection Robot
    Orientation Test-2 (Written)
    8 Explain about Line Follower Robot
    Water level indication project
    9 Introduction of IC’s NOT Gate IC
    Security alarm for home & Explain about voltage Regulator
    10 Orientation Test-3 (Written)
    Robo-tricks Video


    Day Order Concept Section
    1 A brief about level 1 and Introduction of IC and logic gates
    Introduction of motor and types of switch
    2 Explain about DPDT
    DPDT using direction robot
    3 Explain the IR sensor
    Explain line follower Robot
    4 Metal detection Robot
    Human detection Robot
    5 Gas detection Robot
    Obstacle detection Robot
    6 Fire detection Robot
    Bomb detection Robot
    7 Light Robot
    Explain IC 555 and Orientation -I
    8 Running led Robot
    Relay control circuit
    9 AC to DC conversion
    Automatic street light on/off control
    10 Robo trick level 2 test--III
    object Blind people indication


    Day Theoretical Duration
    1 About the STEM & Video about the atmosphere and explanation 2 Hrs H.W: Balloon exercise with bottle, Balloon driver
    Solar system videos and explanation & Layer up on layer of earth Separate group H.W: Doing Annealing an action
    2 Explain about planets Explain about each planet, tell them to bring the ball. H.W: Doing Stick transmission
    Performing a team act Mono acting is also acceptable H.W: Assignment on solar system & Doing Dancing Diamonds
    3 Video about the lunar and solar explanation H.W: Doing Matchbox train Note: Bring materials for catch the comet- scissors, cup, water, stop watch, dish pouch plastic.
    Activity of Eclipse explanation H.W: Doing Rainbow color & simple Rainbow
    4 Space debris- 15mins About film Gravity rocket video- 30mins H.W: Doing Light house & Magnetic movement
    5 Laser light activity and its explanation – 15mins H.W: Doing Water connectivity & Magnetic jumping frog
    Debris video from the film gravity -15 min H.W: Doing Flame in water & sunlight in your home. Note: Ask students to bring the laser light, bottle, 1 tub per team
    6 Rocket video , animation as well as original H.W: Doing LED torch & Rocket projectile
    Gravity video & Explanations H.W: Doing phases of moon & constellation viewer Note: Ask students to bring the cissor
    7 Book Activity H.W: Doing Black hole & power of spin
    8 Discuss with STEM book H.W: Doing Total reflection & Fiber optics
    Bottle rocket H.W: Doing balloon rocket
    9 Activities H.W: Doing magic coin, Jumping Flame & add water see coin
    Line follower robot H.W: Doing Abacus, Self locking box
    10 STEM Videos H.W: Doing mini pumb, paper protractor

    Course Benefits

    Improves Creative thinking.

    Improves Problem solving ability.

    Innovative thinking getting enhanced

    Becomes a Team player.

    Leadership quality gets improved.

    In these sessions the students worked practically with
    1. Basic electronic components such as Battery, LED, Resistors and potentiometers
    2. Switches
    3. Transistors
    4. Motors
    5. Infra Red Sensors
    6. Inverters
    7. Robot mechanical assembly and etc.,

    By the last four sessions the students are well versed with basic electronics and CONSTRUCTED ROBOTS BY THEIR OWN with the given concepts.

    Students constructed Line follower robot, Obstacle detection robot, and designed some Mini-projects; they also got an excellent exposure by their trainers and practically understood the subject which will help them in future and make them to love education and see it with a wider vision.

    Ignite your kid’s Future
    with E-Kids

    Make your Kid to Robotics world